BYBC Starfire Code of Conduct

This Agreement is intended to outline the expectations and commitment of parents, players and coaches as part of the BYBC Starfire Program.

Updated as of 12/18/2023


I. Philosophy

II. Parent Expectations and Commitment

III. Player Expectations and Commitment

IV. Coach Expectations and Commitment

V. Payment Policies

VI. Acknowledgement


Our goal is to help develop well-rounded athletes and prepare them for high school, college, and beyond. Our experienced and knowledgeable coaching staff takes pride in combining elite-level training with a family-like atmosphere, fostering a positive and supportive team culture. BYBC Starfire athletes will learn how to compete at a high level, prepare for and receive constructive criticism, play fundamentally sound, be disciplined, and work as a team. Our primary objective is to foster players to be respectful, hard-working students and good people. 

All parties agree to put the BYBC Starfire organization ahead of the team and individuals. When decisions are made regarding conflicts, the organization will come first while always considering the best interests of the team and athletes. Our ultimate goal is to help all athletes reach their full potential as softball players, leaders and human beings.


Parental support and involvement is essential to team success. BYBC Starfire parents model the way for all athletes. 

Attendance: Parents must see to it that their athlete(s) attend all team functions including but not limited to practices, meetings, games, special events. We understand there will be times when scheduling conflicts cannot be avoided. When a player or parent has an unavoidable conflict, BYBC Starfire expects timely communication with the coach.

Sideline Coaching: We will not allow any coaching by parents on the sideline. Parents are asked to NOT engage in negative conversations with tournament or game officials, members of the opposing team, or Starfire families. Any family member who engages in an extensive verbal dispute or argument will be asked to immediately leave the premises. Vocal support and positive encouragement are welcome and encouraged.

Instruction: Players will only receive one set of instructions before, during, and after practices or games. For this reason, BYBC Starfire insists the teams head and or assistant coach(s) be the only instruction at all games and practices. We ask all family members to maintain a 10 ft. distance from the dugout at all games and practices. 

Communication: We encourage parents, when appropriate, to communicate or ask questions about their child’s development. We ask parents to adhere to the “24-hour wait rule” when addressing a coach regarding a concern or issue after a practice or a tournament game. We suggest parents encourage their child to speak up and communicate for themselves with their head coach whenever possible.


All BYBC Starfire coaches must go through an interview process and be approved by the BYBC Starfire Board. All parties are required to pass a background check to be instated on a team. 

BYBC Starfire coaches will conduct themselves in a professional manner, adhering to these standards:

● Be on time and prepared for practices and games.

● Dress and act in line with the values and standards of the Organization.

● Provide positive and constructive feedback to the team and players.

● Communicate in a transparent, honest and professional manner.

● Assist players in any way possible with their development and journey as an athlete.

● Promote team chemistry and unity while teaching and stressing team concepts.

● Prepare players to excel at the next level with a sound understanding of the game.

● Help players develop the individual skills to contribute to the success of the team.

● Address parent issues and concerns in a respectful manner.

● Build each individual player's confidence levels.

● Hold players accountable yet provide sound advice to propel player in a positive direction.

Coaches are responsible for the conduct of the team, on and off the field, when the team is together and participating in events. Coaches agree to put their team ahead of the individual player. If conflicts arise between the team, a player, parent, or coach, the head coach and a representative from the BYBC Starfire Board will be responsible for making necessary changes for the good of all parties involved. All decisions will be made after gathering all relevant information and consulting with those involved.


BYBC Starfire athletes are required to earn their roster spot every season. Athletes agree to hold themselves accountable for their words and actions on and off the field. 

  • Accepting a roster spot means committing to my coaches and teammates for the duration of the season

  • Give 100% effort in both practice and games because my coaches and parents make considerable commitments and sacrifices to ensure a successful season

  • Discuss any absences or scheduling conflicts with my head coach to ensure the team has time to make roster moves for planned team activities as soon as possible

  • Respect umpires and other tournament officials no matter what the situation and no matter what the call because they are human and will make mistakes from time to time

  • Put the needs of the team above my own wants and desires

  • Demonstrate good sportsmanship at all times – we win games with humility and we lose with class, stiving above all to learn from our mistakes

  • Not engage in gossip or negative talk, or be a part of a group clique, and I will treat each of my teammates equally

  • Participate in fundraising events that are for the benefit of my team and myself

  • Abide by ALL of the team rules and regulations as discussed by BYBC Starfire coaches and staff members 

ATTENDANCE: Athletes commit to attend all BYBC Starfire events (ex: practices, team meetings, tournaments, etc.) to the best of their ability. This includes being ready in the appropriate attire and with all necessary equipment. 

If needed, athletes should discuss any absences or scheduling conflicts with my head coach to ensure the team has time to make roster moves for planned team activities as soon as possible. We acknowledge excused absences as emergencies, sickness, family situations, religious conflicts and school conflicts. 

Playing time and positions are earned, not given. These will be based upon the player’s performance during previous events and subject to the coach's discretion.


BYBC Starfire is a non-profit organization. We strive to keep operational costs at a minimum for our families. Parents have the right to request a breakdown of the organization’s budget at any given time. Requests should be sent to Please allow 3-5 days for a response. 

Monthly Fee: All monthly team fee payments must be submitted via cash, check, or venmo by the 3rd of every month. Payment arrangements may be allowed as approved by a BYBC Board Member. 

Default: Any player is in default when payments are delinquent past seven (7) days. Players may be prohibited from participating in any event unless cleared by a BYBC Board Member.

Refunds: Refunds are provided at the discretion of the BYBC Starfire Board. Players who leave the program without an approved reason may be charged for the full amount of the next/following month. Special circumstances (injuries, relocation, school) will be reviewed on a case by case basis. 

Fundraisers and Sponsorships: All funds earned through any fundraisers and sponsorships will be used to support our players. Items include but are not limited to team equipment, tournament fees, batting facility rental, Starfire events, etc. Fundraisers and sponsorships are subject to final approval by the BYBC board.


The BYBC Starfire staff, parents and athletes agree to uphold the standards and expectations of BYBC Starfire outlined herein. Failure to adhere to these standards may result in suspension or removal from the team roster, as approved by the BYBC Starfire Board members.